29 January, 2011

Vital Role of Nanotechnology and the Coming Singularity

The evolutionary paradigm means that the weak lose and the strong win. Obviously strength comes in many forms. In the ancient world, a caveman allied with flame seemed godlike to struggling stragglers that remained baffled by the mysterious force. Later on, this torch bearer's heirs would go on to develop metallurgy, which gave them a dominant position within primitive society.

This long drawn out dialectical process of history transmutes baser elements of nature into the golden Light of force majeure. It is our goal to harness this Light and thereby ensure our Apotheosis: Self-directed evolution; first by appropriating the mechanisms of the universe, then through the creation of new ones.

Now we are nearing the squaring of the circle. Presently we stand atop a secure foundation which illuminated both microsphere and macrosphere, conquered the atom, and decoded the human genome. Ours is a world bound together with technology, international relations, and commerce. It is plain that we are on the verge of Singularity. We have found the key to the true Sacred Stone and Elixir, and must merely develop the conception to completion while allowing the clear path before us to serve as our guide.

Nanotechnology and all the other scientific arts comprise our flame. We shall wield it with the cold calculated ruthlessness of pure reason, and in a measure commensurate with what the baser elements deserve, crave and need.

As we approach Singularity and the possibilities thereof, it is no longer blue sky thinking to ponder means of winning the future. For example, what if we could disperse a nanotechnological C4ISTAR grid over the surface of the globe? This ubiquitous web would dispense with the unwanted portion and augment the rest to suit our purposes. That which we programmed to remain would be changed in such ways as would aid the Great Work by being transmogrified into whatever our program dictated. Through this method the useless lumps of biomass would be made to serve as cibation, and automated enforcement would be inescapable. Developing such technology, as far fetched as it may sound to the uninitiated, is plainly worthwhile, and indeed absolutely vital to full spectrum dominance. Smart dust and ubiquitous cloud computing are but a first step towards deploying such a fully transformative nanoweb.

Our golden dawn approaches. The parasites are doomed. None can withstand the seething energies at our command.

“The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain." - Dr. Jose Delgado
Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118, 1974

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