18 January, 2011

Some Thoughts on the Necessity of Liquidating Unused Human Resources

Thomas Robert Malthus' landmark 1798 study, An Essay On The Principle of Population was a revelation to the inteligensia and elite of his time and continues to inspire philosophers, economists, and Princes. Its uses were amply proved during the Irish Potato Famine, and have been greatly magnified by the additional insights of Galton, Darwin, the Huxleys, et al.

Critics delight in pointing out that the original projections of his work didn't pan out. Such doctrinaire "thinkers" cannot realize they are missing the point. The projections were mitigated by the Industrial Revolution, it is true; however, the pragmatic utility is what is central, not the accuracy of certain projections.

Yes my friends, there is a solution to unemployment and poverty. It was revealed to us in a modern context over 200 years ago and has continued to be refined by social engineers. I suggest everyone watch this Cambridge Professor's lecture on Malthus at Youtube, titled "The Malthusian Framework For Understanding History":


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