28 January, 2011

The Outrageously Insensitive Ron Paul

In a recent tirade before the House of Representatives, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) disgraced and embarassed the entire nation:

"How did the twenty year war get started?" Yes, you read and heard that right.

To refresh your memory a bit on this subject, I present the following testimony as palpable evidence (not for the faint-hearted):

THAT is what lead to so much death and destruction, Ronnie.

In conclusion, isn't it really about time for certain feeble minded malcontents to keep their extremist mouths shut?

Note: critics and conspiracy theorists from both political extremes have labeled the above testimoney a "fraud" and a "hoax," just because it comes from the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador, who was coached by the well known public relations firm of Hill & Knowlton. What a cheap shot!

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