27 January, 2011

Why Attack Iran?

To shatter illusions, expose myths, and marshal universal forces so we might direct our own evolution is the goal of civilized men.

Ah Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits--and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire!

The parasites are in the way. What is one backwards country in the scheme of things? We've dozens more which need tending to and delay is deplorable.

The question isn't Why attack Iran?, but Why not attack Iran? We have the Power to do so and this is key. The majority of the body politic is a nest of simpering stooges that can't even spell Iran, let alone find it on a map. Most of the lemmings even believe Iranians are Arabs! It's manifest they present no obstacle. Molding public opinion is as easy as stomping on a dead cockroach.

In addition to the nuclear and Quds angles, I would begin to imply that Iran is contributing to climate change. The masses believe whatever our propaganda organs tell them, and more of the fools fear climate change than what they view as some remote, pathetic nation of turban-festooned dirt farmers. The days of duck and cover programming are over, so the nuclear scare bite has lost much teeth. Of course we must always over simplify the condition and historical underpinnings of Iran, which actually had a rather illustrious history going back thousands of years. This is the case because simplicity convinces simpletons. It may well be that the immutable dialectical process of history now requires Iran go the way of goodly Tyre and Babylon.

Whatever rationale is given, the drumbeat must continue and accelerate even if no overt war is imminent. A good distraction in the midst of economic calamity might be just what the doctor ordered.

The British and Russians carved up Persia into spheres of influence leading up to WWI and ousted the meddlesome American tax administrator when he had the effrontery to request payment from a member of the superior class. The British - this time with their Yank counterparts (as part and parcel of the world famous 'Special Relationship') - again worked the rueful bitch over and ousted Mossadegh for Anglo Iranian Oil Co. (now B.P.) in 1953.

Perhaps the third time is the charm. We can break this brach once and for all; she is no more than a stitch in time, and can quite easily be undone and sewn back in anew.

Persia delenda est.
Ordo Ab Chao

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