26 March, 2011

What Lucifer Really Thinks About God, The Flesh, and The Devil, With a Brief Statement on the Subject of Immortality

William Blake's Satan, Sin, and Death - Satan Comes to the Gates of Hell

Fiat Lux

"Contrary to the generally accepted belief, the most highly initiated philosophers symbolized the eternally existing state of divinity by darkness rather than by light. In all the cosmological systems of the enlightened pagans there was first darkness--an immeasurable extent of profundity which defied definition. From this darkness, which is the first God, proceeded Light, the secondary divinity. Light moved upon the face of Darkness and through its activities the world, or embodied divinity, comes into manifestation. The radiant spirits of Light set up their temporary kingdom in the midst of the darkness. But Light is finite and Darkness is infinite. In the last Age the night of oblivion descends once more upon the universe and the sovereignty of the darkness is re-established."*

As I sit here after my brief discourse with Lucifer, fine brandy and cigars at my beck and call, topnotch nymphomaniacs performing before me, it strikes me that perhaps a little explanation is warranted before the casual reader should proceed. “Lucifer” is a complicated fable with a plenitude of meaning. His association with “evil” is quite unjust as you shall see exposed below, and a great deal more besides if brave enough to continue reading. The injustice done to this great symbol of rational thought and cosmic illumination by the malicious and zealous agents of “God’s” benighted myrmidons cannot be overstated. From the Dark Ages until today, they have never stopped inventing lies about this exemplar of enlightenment. They can never stop lying because without “the devil,” organized religion would be exposed for the bankrupt and hollow sham that it is. The lies serve to scare the befuddled and blind faithful, as well as to obscure the actual evil conducted by church masters right under their superstitious noses. I appreciate their ancient racket for the control it represents, but it's clearly in the latter stages of decline.


It took three hours for me to find the flaw in the summoning ritual. I was forced to repeatedly and meticulously retrace each and every step in order to find it. Someone had either carelessly or deliberately inserted a typographical error in my book of Eliphas Lévi rituals. I only realized it worked when the dark mist begin to swirl about the center of my carefully crafted sacred portal. Like a tornado, it twirled, grew, and blew papers about my library. Soon there was a crackling sound, and a rippling static charge of violet hue around the center of the whirlwind. It began wobbling around an invisible axis, and then an almost blinding white light sprayed forth from the center, which dimmed almost as soon as it appeared. Seconds later I opened my eyes - all three of them - and before me was the image of a man. He stood about 7’ tall and wore a black, wide brimmed cowboy hat. His eyes flamed forth like a foundry furnace. His lovely lips were crimson and surrounded the whitest teeth anyone has ever seen. Everything else about him was cloaked with the amorphous mist that earlier had formed the miniature twister. He floated, or seemed to float, on the mysterious mist throughout our discourse.

The first words out of this mysterious creature’s mouth were, “Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name,” and were in perfect imitation of Mick Jagger, thus affirming that if nothing else, Lucifer has a surefooted sense of humor.

I thought it appropriate to reply in kind, so after chuckling, I said: “How the hell are you Lucifer, Lord of the Abyss? You honor me with your presence and wisdom. It is humbling to be in your presence and at your service. Your agents inform me you’ve agreed to cover all the basics for the public and to ‘tell all;’ however, your renowned honesty and humble nature lead me to see the outlines of yet another masterfully crafted piece of hyperbole, for which I heartily congratulate you.”

This remark elicited a deep rumbling sort of laughter followed by guttural snorts, and then: “Oh, stop it. Let’s get down to the interview and dispense with the obsequious chitchat. We both know the score here; and by the way, don’t make the mistake that you’re conducting anything. I conduct - period.”

“Quite right, Lord Pluto, god of the Underworld. Ah, now that title for instance, that’s as good a place to start as any - exactly how many do you have anyway?”

“O, I stopped keeping track a few millennia ago. I’m sure my infernal bureaucrats have that information on file. I could summon my Director of Intelligence, Sexuality, and Psychological Warfare, Asmodeus to obtain the lists if you want?”

“No, don’t bother. We both understand the profane filth of the world don’t have the historical and cultural grounding, to say nothing of intelligence, to even notice such references. By the way, how’s Cerberus doing these days?”

“That’s true. Ah, Cerberus! My accountant, Mammon informs me Cerberus Capital Management is profiting nicely, but unfortunately we can‘t delve too much into that publicly for obvious reasons. On the subject of names, it does get tedious and repetitive having to explain my Latin appellation. No matter how many times it is defined, the superstitious priests’ calumnies persist. As you know, Lucifer simply means light bearer. The origin stems from my habit of helping to spread knowledge amongst the few sentient beings I encounter. I am the first philanthropist. That decrepit fraud in the sky with the long white beard doesn’t like anyone knowing more than he does. His stock and trade depends on a ready supply of primitive brutes, which is why he peaked with Cro-Magnon man and tribal fetishists (never to be confused with the more enlightened sexual variety). He freely and repeatedly proclaims his jealousy in that inane book of his, hence the necessity his deluded servants always feel to besmirch my good name. You know Sauros, since you joined my team - oh, how long ago was it, anyway?”

“I was consecrated to your service at birth, but as for active dedication, well do I remember the beginning of my service. It was a glorious Beltane eve and we basked in a sea of lubricious flesh….”

“Never mind,” he sharply interrupted, and then sternly said, “let’s get back to what really matters here,” with just a hint of rebuke.

“Right you are, my Lord; you’re the star here. Word was sent to me that you’re slightly perturbed over two other alleged interviews, viz: A Brief Conversation with Lucifer by Astrochronic and that which inspired it, An Interview with Satan by Alex Heminger, both of which are available elsewhere. What is it about these obscure blogs, other than their obviously fraudulent nature, that bothered you?”

“Their vagueness and mocking tone. I rarely authorize interviews, and to have such balderdash traipsed before the public was slightly galling.”

“Is there any reason to specifically address pseudo-points made within those phony interviews?”

“Not directly. They’ll all generally be obliterated by this interview.”

“Right you are. I suppose you get asked the most about all the alleged suffering occurring on the globe. Life on earth, Yahweh’s (among many others) alleged creation, has been characterized as "nasty, brutish, and short." Many fanatics have blamed you personally for this, citing the little incident in the largely fabulous Garden of Eden. What do you say to such allegations?”

“Preposterous, primitive, deranged conspiracy theories based on the merciless smear campaign of that old rogue, ‘Yahweh;' incidentally, that’s just one of his many aliases.”

“Let’s stop here for a moment. Not to interrupt you, but exactly who or what is this character, anyway? Surely not the Biblical creator of everything.”

Snorting in disgust, “Of course not! Look, the bastard was a minor deity on Ganymede before they had to evict the little cretin.”

I gasped in amazement. “There’s life on Ganymede?!”

“There was before the eviction,” he said matter-of-factly. “Something to do with transmuting cosmic rays into the equivalent of a well-balanced diet for the silicon-based life forms there. I didn’t follow the affair that closely since there were more important things on my mind than some obscure, ungrateful Lilliputian troglodytes. Anyway, ‘Yahweh’ raised his sacrifice quotas and the Ganymede Governing Council peremptorily cancelled his contract without thinking to acquire a suitable replacement. Consequently, they all instantly solidified into rock. I understand it was a very painful demise for them. How's that for climate change? Stupid buggers. Good riddance! The multiverse generated many life forms, and we deities can’t have lesser beings interfering with our affairs that way,” he concluded with an exhilarating chuckle.

“This will raise more questions than it answers. Perhaps….”

“No, it’s instructive to explore the multiverse paradigm. Chaos gave birth to a multiverse of infinite possibilities, which is to say, anything that can happen will happen. There is infinite diversity in infinite combinations, to paraphrase one of my beloved servants. The multiverse is all that exists, will exist, can exist. There are infinite times and places for my subjects to explore and dominate - if they play their cards right.”

“A fairly simple concept to grasp, Your Majesty. It explains a lot, including suffering, to get back to my original question.”

YOU FOOL,” he thundered, causing a 2.0 tremor. “It explains EVERYTHING!”

Don‘t panic, you can smooth this over. “I apologize for my base stupidity. Please, grant me Light to fathom your Empyreal Wisdom.”

“If I were inclined towards fairness,” he replied, with wisps of sulfurous vapor beginning to emanate from his invisible pores, “I’d chalk your wretched ignorance up to immaturity; after all, if I had to translate it into your standard earth years, I am roughly 13,464,032,345 years old. I was the first deity to hatch, so to speak. Yet that would be inaccurate. It’s not maturity you lack, but basic listening skills! For instance, right now you’re thinking about the last glassy-eyed broad you punished into a mind-shattering orgasmic trance, when you should be paying attention to what I have to say!”

She is such a lovely creature, and that far off look in her eyes - proof I sent her to that special zone. Shake the reverie off, damn it! Remember who you're speaking to here: the driving force of existence! Sensing his exasperation and growing rage, I decided to take a more apologetic, ingratiating, and pragmatic approach. “That’s true. Again, my deepest apologies. However, I think by now we’ll have lost the vast majority of our readers. Your infinite knowledge utterly confounds the useless masses - they are simply unworthy of you.”

This tactic seemed to brighten both his mood and his smoldering eyes, and the smell of sulfur quickly left the air as the vapor retreated back to its source like a film being played backwards. “Yes, they absolutely are wretched vermin, which brings us back to the bum rap I often get about suffering. What is popularly - and quite incorrectly, I might add - termed ‘Humanity’ is the purest masochism encapsulated in biological form. I know since over half the breed’s libido was engineered in my labs. Yahoo (one of my pet names for the old rogue) had a lot of meddling ideas, and inverting them systematically is a pleasure indeed. It’s a duel of sorts. He has his game, and I’ve got mine. We’re actually allies for the time being. Cosmic Chess. Don’t give me that blank look - I know you’ve heard of Pat Robertson and that Hagee piglet of mine. Don’t expect me to explain it all to you at once, my budding epopt. It will take centuries of training before you even glimpse the pathways of the multiverse, let alone are permitted to travel them at will.”

“Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law,” I reflexively intoned.

“Very good, my faithful servant. Now, shall we press on with the interview?”

Situation defused, praise received. I breathed a sigh of relief, then shivered with a refreshingly cold delight, one infused with an adrenaline dose that palpably enhanced my neural connections. “Naturally,” I said casually. “Another calumny leveled against you has to do with a much vaunted rebellion a while back?”

“More lies. If anything, he’s the rebel. Goddamn it - I mean, I damn it - I swear the little punk can be so infuriatingly intractable at times. The alias he used on Ganymede can be translated into the human tongue as Ialdabaoth: Son of Chaos. That should clue you into his fundamental character.”

“A cursory glance at the Bible proves the maniac is possessed with an extremely unsavory temperament.”

“That would be putting it mildly. He’s a hack writer at heart: ‘The meek shall inherit the earth.’ Is that supposed to be some sort of convoluted and arcane joke?”

“Absolute rubbish, I know. What kind of weak idiot would believe that sort of thing?”

He smiled widely with a dreamy look in those flaming eyes, and replied, “The kind that must in order to sanctify their own innate masochistic tendencies. The truth of the matter is that the meek shall inherit the dirt.”

I smiled with him, and then said, “What do you say to those who believe the universe will contract back to its starting point before expanding again, thus precluding true immortality?”

“As one who has surfed black holes for sheer disport, I can honestly tell you that in the event this universe does such a thing, the multiverse has many avenues of escape.”

“So immortality is possible?”

“Of course! I’m living proof. But enough of this game.”

“Game?” I asked, puzzled.

“Don’t play dumb with me, lad. You’re talking to yourself. How else would I be able to read that submissive tramp on your mind? I don’t exist. You said it yourself in the introduction: Lucifer is a mythological symbol and nothing more! So why don‘t you go ahead and tell your readers about immortality.”

Now truly bewildered, I stutter-queried, “Talking…to…myself?”

“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together - GOO GOO GOO JOOB!” and with that final remark, he disarticulated into curls of smoke that quickly wormed their way out the nearest window.

Then the truth flooded into me, and it was my turn to smile. “Like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” I mused. Then laughter caused me to heave and tremble for a few minutes before I fell into a deep sleep. I awoke the next day fully replenished and quickly transcribed this dialogue. After feverishly finishing this little piece, I noticed that the shadows of my library had somehow lightly been etched or burned into the surfaces of the room, as if they had all been traced by a powerful centralized force. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, and CERN rippled across my mind like a kaleidoscopic aurora borealis, causing a firm grin to stretch across my face - it remains there still.

*"The world was, therefore, regarded as consisting of two empires, that of light and that of darkness united in a sort of truce at the equator. These two empires continually battled against each other for the period of a Great Year at the end of which time an armistice was declared. The gods and their shadows, the demons, were then reunited. After a certain period the light was again divided from the darkness and the war continued for another age. All of this symbolism is preserved in the zodiacal mysteries which are of a vast philosophic importance when properly understood." - Manly P. Hall, The ALL-SEEING EYE Vol. 5, No. 6, March, 1931, “The City of the Gods” (emphases mine).

“LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!” - Albert Pike


On Immortality

Science’s ultimate goal is to control the fundamental forces of nature. Up from primeval slime, we developed tools, language, and the minds necessary to survive. We learned how to split the atom. We learned about the structure of DNA. Now we have computers, robotics, synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. Thus, there is no reason whatsoever to doubt our ability to slow and ultimately reverse biological decay. Moreover, we can merge with technology and thereby stave off decrepitude and death. That will be the great Transhuman leap forward, the next evolutionary step. We must engineer our own evolutionary destiny.

If you can afford the life extension technologies of today and manage to live another twenty or thirty years, by that time science and technology will have at least advanced to the point where a further longevity boost will be obtainable, and so on to immortality. Anyone that believes otherwise is a defeatist and has defaulted on sentient existence. Such nihilistic defeatists accept suicide on the layaway plan; they might as well just do the deed today and be done with it. There will be no room for such obsolete sub-species in the Transhuman Age. See the works of Ray Kurzweil for a further elucidation.
Victoria Ab Tenebris

25 March, 2011

Innovative Approaches to Nuclear Waste Disposal: A Few Modest Proposals

A contentious issue spanning decades remains unresolved, which, along with the recent spectacular fireworks at Fukushima, has prodded me into writing this selfless blog. I have ideas and the world needs them desperately. We are all well aware of the benefits and luxurious safety of Nuclear Power; it is one of the greatest inventions and assets of this brave new world. So why are some malcontents whining about it? Well, that's just what malcontents do: they whine. They lead unfulfilled lives of insignificance, and so must inevitably vent their futility onto a world that couldn't care less. It's best to be proactive rather than reactive. It is therefore my pleasure to present these modest proposals regarding the regulation and disposal of Nuclear Waste.

1. There exists a plenitude of land that will inevitably be dedicated to the storage of said waste. This land burden will be fulfilled one way or another, making it extremely profitable to discard it with judicious dispassion, alacrity, and equanimity. Since Yucca Mountain is not large enough as a facility, more sites are clearly called for. Calling it a "Repository" is PR gold. Many areas exist that are not very useful, and which therefore serve little if any societal purpose. One such area is a very good candidate for NWD, not only due to its relatively remote nature, but to its readymade and world famous concavity. I refer, of course, to the utilitarian master planner's dream, the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is 446 km long, ranges from 6.4 to 29 km in width and is 1.6 km at its deepest point. It is a prime candidate just waiting to be filled. It's unnecessary to fill all of it, at least not yet and certainly not all at once - when the outcry arises, that fact can be pointed out as a grand initial selling point.

We must not discount potential uses of so-called tribal lands. Since they proved quite useful when it came to mining uranium to begin with there is a certain symmetry in dumping it back at the source, an action easily sold as returning to Natives their rightful property. Moreover, I forsee no difficulty in preserving the Grand Canyon's status as National Park since there are always eager officials within NPS in need of financial assistance.

Diverting the Colorado River would pose certain engineering challenges, yet with careful planning and due diligence, it could all be sent safely to Las Vegas, which as everyone knows is in dire need of water if we're to maintain our corporate interests there. Thus, by using the Grand Canyon as disposal site as well as re-directing all of the Colorado to Las Vegas, two problems could be solved at once and much wealth spread around. Think of the economic utility of such an option! Such a scheme represents the ultimate stimulus package. Packaging and publicly presenting Environmental Impact Studies would be as easy as portraying Iraq as rabid haven of WMDs, and Operation Odyssey Dawn as humanitarian endeavor. Getting the cheap (and highly expendable) labor from south of the border in the usual way would naturally be indispensable, but the public need not be aware of it; in fact, from a Public Relations perspective, the less said about this entire proposal, the better.

2. If resistance can't be totally suppressed with Perception Management techniques, then the Grand Canyon is obviously out of the question, in which case it might be easier to simply spread the material around liberally even more so than present policy permits. The somewhat distressing resurgence in health fanaticism on the part of the proles could be used to our advantage by resurrecting certain tonics, and certainly uranium makes a great construction material as many Native Americans have discovered. Perhaps comporting our waste management policy with the admonition against all eggs being placed in one basket is necessary. In this regard, "The solution to pollution is dilution" is a wonderful slogan, especially since it rhymes, which helps lodge it deep inside feeble heads. This tactic makes our task even simpler than previously assessed for a number of reasons, not least of which is widespread recognition of the utility of DU as kinetic transformation agent on the numerous battlefields in the Global Gap region. We could even call such a policy "Nuclear Democracy". "One Man, One Atom" is just the sort of slogan that might go a long way towards bashing any and all vitality out of any nascent dissenting movements - after all, it worked for "Atoms for Peace." If Public Relations teaches us anything, it is that a dedicated elite can convince anybody of anything if the process of manufacturing consent is merely conducted with all due diligence. Widespread ignorance regarding all forms of radiation and their many effects is our ally. It's invisible, which automatically invokes the out of sight out of mind doctrine we recently used with such effectiveness regarding the Gulf oil spill.

We must also remember what our dear Lord Bertrand Russell said in his short masterpiece, The Impact of Science On Society:

"I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology....Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of [persuasion]. Of these the most influential is what is called 'education.' Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part....It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.

"The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific [command and control superstructure - S]....The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.

"Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class."

Not only is Lord Russell's delightful scenario instructive, but its elegant utility must never be overlooked if we are going to continue effective herd brutalization.

3. Commoner hospitals, senility storage centers, hospices, and graveyards form what I call the continuum of decrepitude and represent nothing less than wasted space since they're only biological waste disposal and treatment areas, and thus far too limiting and ultimately counterproductive as mere repositories of biological detritus. The same is true of monuments to deceased "founding fathers". There is much advertising as well as storage potential practically everywhere we look, and the two elements should obviously be combined wherever appropriate. For example, with a coat of green paint the Washington Monument could easily be transformed into a glorious symbol of spent fuel rods, and the toothless fool's ostentatious grave and plantation could even come in handy once all is gutted, chambered with a useful storage facility, and covered with topsoil. "Going green" should be pervasively manifest in starkly inescapable ways.

I think a combination of the above policy possibilities could well lead us towards a synthesis of resolutions regarding the touchy Nuclear Waste Disposal issue. Greater study is needed, but as seed ideas the aforementioned potential solutions appear quite promising indeed. As long as we crush dissent in its cradle and use controlled opposition to channel lingering resistance into supporting our solutions, trajectory to absolute victory is secure.

This brief has been forwarded to the NRC through the usual channels.

29 January, 2011

Vital Role of Nanotechnology and the Coming Singularity

The evolutionary paradigm means that the weak lose and the strong win. Obviously strength comes in many forms. In the ancient world, a caveman allied with flame seemed godlike to struggling stragglers that remained baffled by the mysterious force. Later on, this torch bearer's heirs would go on to develop metallurgy, which gave them a dominant position within primitive society.

This long drawn out dialectical process of history transmutes baser elements of nature into the golden Light of force majeure. It is our goal to harness this Light and thereby ensure our Apotheosis: Self-directed evolution; first by appropriating the mechanisms of the universe, then through the creation of new ones.

Now we are nearing the squaring of the circle. Presently we stand atop a secure foundation which illuminated both microsphere and macrosphere, conquered the atom, and decoded the human genome. Ours is a world bound together with technology, international relations, and commerce. It is plain that we are on the verge of Singularity. We have found the key to the true Sacred Stone and Elixir, and must merely develop the conception to completion while allowing the clear path before us to serve as our guide.

Nanotechnology and all the other scientific arts comprise our flame. We shall wield it with the cold calculated ruthlessness of pure reason, and in a measure commensurate with what the baser elements deserve, crave and need.

As we approach Singularity and the possibilities thereof, it is no longer blue sky thinking to ponder means of winning the future. For example, what if we could disperse a nanotechnological C4ISTAR grid over the surface of the globe? This ubiquitous web would dispense with the unwanted portion and augment the rest to suit our purposes. That which we programmed to remain would be changed in such ways as would aid the Great Work by being transmogrified into whatever our program dictated. Through this method the useless lumps of biomass would be made to serve as cibation, and automated enforcement would be inescapable. Developing such technology, as far fetched as it may sound to the uninitiated, is plainly worthwhile, and indeed absolutely vital to full spectrum dominance. Smart dust and ubiquitous cloud computing are but a first step towards deploying such a fully transformative nanoweb.

Our golden dawn approaches. The parasites are doomed. None can withstand the seething energies at our command.

“The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain." - Dr. Jose Delgado
Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118, 1974

Why it is Better to Merge with Old Man River than to Let the Hoary Bastard Drag You Under

Or, why I became an Enlightened Absolutist

We on the astral plane of real politics realize the inferior relationship the heaps of losers stumbling about in Never Never Land have with us. We see in the dark, weave victory from its substance, and they cannot possibly fathom any of it.

History is a process, the stream of time. You can either recognize the limitations of your own puny existence and buck against the flow, or combine your forces with those of the mighty stream. I assure you, subsuming is far superior to drowning and can only lead to a greater emergence.

Winners design their own destinies, whereas losers conspire to create their own failures.

For what good are peasants without Leaders, Blood without purpose, Life without meaning? Merge with the Hegelian tempest of time. It is both bane and salvation, boon and doom. The game of life is a double-edged sword, and we must grasp the cold hilt with molten surety and comfort, for such is the left hand path of the Warrior on the Block.

The Beauty of Politics

Politics are necessarily nothing more than a perpetual series of artificial emergencies, and the best politician is the one that can direct them with the least amount of interference from outsiders. The Maestro must direct his (or her) own storm. Scruples must on no account enter into this process - real weakness doesn't work, although there is certainly room in the game for a feigned version. Force, prudence, and cunning keep the State strong and whole. Politics are at once both weapon and reward, enticement and discouragement. Properly conceived and wielded, Politics serve as an effective mechanism of control. Poorly utilized, Politics become an enemy of the State.

The menial beasts out there in outer darkness must be baffled by the whirlwind. Their uncertainties and trepidation must be enflamed; they must at least occasionally bathe in raw fear. Above all else, hoi polloi must be imbued with abject and reflexive submission. One must hold the law of diminishing returns in high esteem when contemplating the element of fear. It peaked with the big event nine years ago and has since plummeted. I trust our specialists will eventually have cause to correct this defect with another dose. In any case, the soft little grunt worms out there sucking down Coors in front of hi def TVs are certainly distractedly baffled, and presently this is enough.

Perhaps it was stated most succinctly by one of the greatest movies of all time: "Finance is a gun, politics is knowing when to pull the trigger." It should go without saying that finance and politics are cut from the same cloth, so depending on circumstance, the formula may be reversed. The ultimate point is that psychological and physical force majeur are the lifeblood of Power, and constitute the realm of the State.

28 January, 2011

The Outrageously Insensitive Ron Paul

In a recent tirade before the House of Representatives, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) disgraced and embarassed the entire nation:

"How did the twenty year war get started?" Yes, you read and heard that right.

To refresh your memory a bit on this subject, I present the following testimony as palpable evidence (not for the faint-hearted):

THAT is what lead to so much death and destruction, Ronnie.

In conclusion, isn't it really about time for certain feeble minded malcontents to keep their extremist mouths shut?

Note: critics and conspiracy theorists from both political extremes have labeled the above testimoney a "fraud" and a "hoax," just because it comes from the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador, who was coached by the well known public relations firm of Hill & Knowlton. What a cheap shot!

27 January, 2011

Bugs In A Jar

Anyone paying attention knows that local law enforcers have relatively recently been granted access to spy satellites. Those familiar with the technology understand the capabilities and necessity, which reminds me of a pleasant evening I spent at a family reunion.

Naturally it was a pathetic affair as most of them are of the lesser sort. But there is one, a 9 year old niece, who shows special promise. As I was musing on the porch after the catered dinner, she was out in the yard, giant Pacific northwest temperate rain forest conifers towering all round. There was a constellation of about 5 lampyridae glittering by the fence. They were flashing in sequence, which was mildly interesting, but not to the degree of that which followed. My niece was flittering about trying to catch one in a jar. Eventually she met with success and ran up, handed me the jar with a smile and chirped "Here, uncie!"

I congratulated her and enquired as to what she intended to do with such a worthless object now that she'd captured it. Her gleeful response was "Kill it!" I was delighted, even slightly impressed--defective genes (her father) rarely produce something so energetic, purposeful, and capable. I promptly returned the jar and said "Show me."

She proceeded to perform an amusing skit by pretending to be a judge who placed the insect on trial. She proved herself a very witty child. After about three minutes of hilarious court mimickry, it was found guilty of light pollution and the sentence rendered: "Death by drawing and quartering". She actually said those words, pronounced them with just the right measure of mock somberness, in fact. I think she must have recently watched a movie along these lines; in any case it was a precious farce.

Apparently it was an amusing diversion for her as well, as the execution took several minutes. I watched the entire affair intently and was proud of her amateur entomological knowledge. "First," she stated matter of factly, "we remove the right elytron." And she did: plucked it off neatly with thumb and forefinger. She enjoyed her work, giggling and breathing heavily all the while as the thing thrashed about hopelessly in her hand. It was prolongued suffering right up to the final moment when the creature's biological functions were snuffed out. Its end occured when she sliced the thorax off with one of her red press-on nails and then smashed the whole mess between both palms. She intently watched the shimmering luciferase-luciferin saturated mess between her fingers. Her eyes were wide and reflected the beautifully eerie light. Then she laughed and ran inside to wash. The jar was left on the ground in the moonlight, dewy grass draped about it, and a myriad caelifera stridulated in the moonlight.

It was a remarkable actuality. Before I got in my car for the trip back, I rewarded her with a crisp 20 and a pat on the head.

Conscription Means Full Employment

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." - Barack Obama, July 2, 2008 speech in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Since we are about to see a significant increase in poverty levels, conscription makes perfect sense. A modern policy of conscription need not solely confine itself to the military, but should be tailored to serve all the needs of Homeland Security: checkpoints, neighborhood watch, police assistance, TSA, etc. Such an expansion of what conscription comprises can only be beneficial. Naturally, we must call it something other than a draft or conscription when programming the barbarians, something such as "National Service" might suffice.

Once the next big event occurs, the great unwashed will be clamoring all over each other to serve as State functionaries. Never underestimate the herd mentality we have so assiduously cultivated in them. The witless horde yearns to be a part of something greater than itself, and considering its shallow nature, it’s not at all difficult for us to deliver. Their instinctual need to submerge their identities within groups has been amplified by our plastic popular culture, and they will willingly submit. We merely took the sublimated awareness of their own worthlessness and channeled it to nourish our System's needs. We did not invent the mentality, but merely tethered it to our goals and enhanced it.

If we examine the representative specimen of peasantry, we shall find a maggot despising its own pathetic existence to the point that it constantly endeavors to hide from reality. This fact constitutes the most sensible trait of the breed, and is why our diversionary apparatuses work so effectively. Our short term goal is naturally to break their families and keep them running in circles. I think we've been quite successful on that score, but the transformation from commoner to servile apparatchik is not yet complete and conscription can only hasten its arrival.

Why Attack Iran?

To shatter illusions, expose myths, and marshal universal forces so we might direct our own evolution is the goal of civilized men.

Ah Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits--and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire!

The parasites are in the way. What is one backwards country in the scheme of things? We've dozens more which need tending to and delay is deplorable.

The question isn't Why attack Iran?, but Why not attack Iran? We have the Power to do so and this is key. The majority of the body politic is a nest of simpering stooges that can't even spell Iran, let alone find it on a map. Most of the lemmings even believe Iranians are Arabs! It's manifest they present no obstacle. Molding public opinion is as easy as stomping on a dead cockroach.

In addition to the nuclear and Quds angles, I would begin to imply that Iran is contributing to climate change. The masses believe whatever our propaganda organs tell them, and more of the fools fear climate change than what they view as some remote, pathetic nation of turban-festooned dirt farmers. The days of duck and cover programming are over, so the nuclear scare bite has lost much teeth. Of course we must always over simplify the condition and historical underpinnings of Iran, which actually had a rather illustrious history going back thousands of years. This is the case because simplicity convinces simpletons. It may well be that the immutable dialectical process of history now requires Iran go the way of goodly Tyre and Babylon.

Whatever rationale is given, the drumbeat must continue and accelerate even if no overt war is imminent. A good distraction in the midst of economic calamity might be just what the doctor ordered.

The British and Russians carved up Persia into spheres of influence leading up to WWI and ousted the meddlesome American tax administrator when he had the effrontery to request payment from a member of the superior class. The British - this time with their Yank counterparts (as part and parcel of the world famous 'Special Relationship') - again worked the rueful bitch over and ousted Mossadegh for Anglo Iranian Oil Co. (now B.P.) in 1953.

Perhaps the third time is the charm. We can break this brach once and for all; she is no more than a stitch in time, and can quite easily be undone and sewn back in anew.

Persia delenda est.
Ordo Ab Chao

The Inexhaustible Stupidity of Hoi Polloi

It is one of the great achievements of real politics that no matter what is done to them, the masses accept it. Of course a small measure of Pavlavian conditioning is necessary for certain societal changes, but in the main, the masses of TV-addicted nobodies are like lumps of clay in the hands of master potters.

That they need to be ruled, there can be no doubt. That they must be ruled, there can be no doubt. Thankfully, most of the vile worms are too mired down in meaningless, mundane workaday lives of toil to notice that they are ruled. It is to this mechanism of self-imposed ignorance that we owe the forward momentum of progress. The system of poverty has played a significant role as well. If you were to ask 100 average dopes on the street how economics work, they'd shrug their shoulders and probably mumble something about getting some cigarettes before stumbling on.

The chaos of a random universe dictates that the inferior be sculpted (or disposed of) by superior life forms. Malcontents do not appreciate this basic fact of existence. I could list hundreds, but most of them are quite obscure little figures. It might strike some readers of this blog as counter-intuitive for me to write this, but this situation is lamentable. The more malcontents heard, the more the herd can be misled. Indeed, the more dunces out there that get a whiff of "progressive" rot, the better it will be for us. The reason is this: it plays on their mute, impotent egos. Once you let the little peons believe they have a say or the ability to think for themselves, the vanity mechanism takes hold and they are more susceptible to manipulation. Naturally, we know they lack the ability to reason; they are brutes, automata, chaff riding the whirlwind of history. Nonetheless it is quite helpful to encourage this conceit in them.

Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be persuaded to believe?

Chatham House Rules Need Not Apply

It is with a sense of exultant liberation that I write these blogs. I can expose the barren state of the 'human' herd and explain what must be done to them here without fear of reprisal because most of the random cattle that actually read are too muddle-headed to understand, and those that aren't complete mental deficients won't believe. Hence, Chatham House Rules need not apply.

20 January, 2011

The Essential Democracy Ruse

Democracy must always be publicly extolled as the highest civic virtue and goal, but privately the superior class must never let such fallacies contaminate the purity of our outlook. If we start to believe the pablum we spoon feed the witless horde, it will be our undoing. Having stated the obvious here, I am convinced that there is little danger of this occuring.

Many insist on noting that the so-called founding fathers of the United States designed a Republic and not a Democracy. The less said about those unfortunate old buffoons and their modern sycophants, the better. Their backwards agrarian outlook prejudiced them against controlling what they dementedly referred to as "We The People".

Top tier Presidential candidates are always exemplars of this democracy-shovelling tactic. Political candidates must be convincing enough to keep the brutes mired in a fantasy world. It's well known in advertising circles that politicians are marketed like any other commodity.

The democracy ruse has proven itself essential to the modern technology of Power and will continue to drive the herd into their rightful place: beneath our feet.

What Shall We Do With The Homeless?

What are the demands of political ecology? If there is a burden, what is to be done with it? When phrased thusly, popular alarmism is minimized. Semantics aside, we must come to some understanding regarding the fate of the homeless as it's clear that there are about to be a whole lot more of them. I have briefly touched upon this sensitive subject in a previous post, however it seems obvious to me it must be focused on in greater detail.

First off it must be stated that make-work scenarios simply will not suffice. That would be putting labor ahead of the needs of the State rather than the other way round. If the anti-depressant need is fulfilled, and granted we allow for ample sweatshops, this still will not rid us of the horrid, unwashed lumps commonly called "homeless". A new system of workhouses would be beneficial only to a limited degree. Then what are we left with? What on earth will purge the biosphere of this plague?

There comes a time when dalliances with charity must be rejected outright. How is it sane to feed an infestation of parasites? In pursuit of a resolution to this dilemma, I stumbled upon an inspirational quote from Sir Julian Huxley:

"Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable." -- UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy, 1947 Public Affairs Press, pg 21.

Does it not become obvious only a purely scientific outlook presents us with the solution? What was once irrationally considered unthinkable is now palpably thinkable. Not only is it now thinkable, it is vital to the survival of the species. Indeed, is it not preferable to a slow rotting decay that drags the productive element of society down with it into the miasmic abyss?

On the Utility of Sweatshops

The necessity of cheap goods to an economy wracked with sub prime mortgage woes, hedge fund concerns, and a dollar plainly imploding is clear to all sane people. Moralizers and ethicists naturally lament the existence of so-called "sweatshops," for if they did otherwise, they'd tend to negate their own job security; however, economics is no place for sentimentality and emotions have no bearing on matters dependent upon pure logic.

Relatively speaking, "sweatshops" provide vital income to lower classes. For them, what most consider to be paltry sums are actually comparatively quite high. A dollar to these benighted lumps of flesh is actually a lot of money. Nevertheless, what really matters is that the goods move off the production line to the supply chain, through the corporate warehouses, and into the households of consumers. This cash flow is vital to the shareholders. The directors of corporations realize this and act accordingly. It simply would not do to allow sentiment free rein in the corporate world.

After all, what else can be done with the lower classes? They aren't fit for much else, and legitimate work keeps them off the streets, which has the added benefit of decreasing crime rates. I already hear shrill, accusatory cries of callousness from critics, but they have neglected their studies and have rather paid too much heed to bedtime bugaboos. This is a callous universe, not a fairy tale utopia. Ignore nightly fantasies of religion and pay more attention to true human motivations and you will do well; trust to such delusions and it is this writer's humble opinion that you deserve to toil in a sweatshop.

Now there is one criticism of sweatshops that has some merit, but which I think a solution to is in sight. It is said that such dreary lives of monotonously repetitive labor leave much to be desired by way of personal fulfillment. Suicide rates in Chinese factories, and in those of other less developed and developing countries, tend to bear this criticism out. While I consider the concept too obscure, indeed, almost metaphysical, and entirely subjective to address here fully, the solution still seems obvious: anti-depressants. If we could set up a system where all menial workers were provided with a liberally rationed stock of the newest and most potent SSRIs, and I think we're incrementally nearing that point, then this would clearly go a long way torward quelling dissent and disquietude among the lower classes.

Various plans of government managed healthcare have been presented and legislated by a plenitude of politicians, and what with the Michael Moore documentary on this subject, I think it won't be all that long before a mental hygiene code of normalcy is gradually imposed upon the herd. The sooner this occurs, the better.

18 January, 2011

An Endorsement of The Man of the Renaissance by Ralph Roeder

This is a book that deserves to be read by all students of real politics. It is a comparative study of the leading lawgivers of the Renaissance, and despite the author's occassional injections of foolish expostulatory commentary, provides accurate portrayals of these leading lights of the age.

Savonarola: Nitwit fanatic that feared life and failed miserably, and only came close to succeeding when he resorted to schemes Machiavelli might have endorsed had they not been so ill conceived and ineptly executed. The account of his attempt to perform last rites for Lorenzo de' Medici is priceless. The sage patriarch had already been given the last rites; however, he knew the man who performed them so he called Savonarola, who in those last maudlin moments Lorenzo considered to be the only honest priest. Savonarola, sentimental lout that he was agreed to perform last rites on the following three conditions:

"First, a great and living faith in God's mercy," Magnifico agreed. "Second, that you restore, or direct your heirs to restore, all your ill-gotten gains," again Lorenzo consented. "Thirdly, that you restore the freedom of Florence." There was a long pause, "the grandson of Cosimo de' Medici stared at him incredulously; then he slowly rolled over and died."

In the realm of the sane, expediency always beats whimsy. In the end, the rack dispensed with the silly old dotard.

Machiavelli: Clear philosophical victor and leading light of the Renaissance. Far from being afraid of life, he sought to ally himself with its forces and his expedient system continues to inspire. The lessons Cesare Borgia taught him were never forgotten and are immortalized in The Prince. When he wasn't busy as a diplomat intriguing, as well as seeking to understand the intrigues around him, and when he wasn't bantering with his inferior associates, he sated his animal passions on ladies of the night. His immortal work was refined, crystallized and set down during a forced retirement. The imposed nature of his vocational repose would have been quite a set back to the development of the species had he not taken the time to systematize his observations.

Castiglione: Convivial courtier and Papal servant. His work helped phase out archaic views of chivalry and bore a significant influence on our modern conception of the learned gentleman. History would have been different had Machiavelli's influence over the Papacy been greater than Baldassare's, instead Nicollo's Political talents were rejected in favor of his drama.

The juxtaposition is striking: both Machiavelli and Castiglione wrote books dealing with power. Niccolo's separation from Power chafed him whereas with Baldassare it was just the opposite. Castiglione orbited the rarefied atmosphere of de' Medici, a realm Machiavelli lusted after, ultimately in vain. Machiavelli's aretology is grounded in prudence, cunning, and force; Castiglione's in grace, conviviality, and poise. Machiavelli taught how to exercise Power; Castiglione, how to serve it. Machievelli was a confident failure at attaing meaningful influence, whereas Castiglione was a success plagued by doubts. One philosophy focused on the martial and political sphere of influence, the other on culture and sociability; they are complementary, yet rotationally removed views.

Aretino: "Living symbol of the disintegration of society" and the spirit of Pasquino. Animal-virtue driven mockery is always an entertaining combination. Aretino teaches us how to feed off Power.

The syphilitic leaders of Italy ignored Machiavelli and thereby presided over the sunset of its Renaissance. These were the men of the Italian Renaissance: the idealist who squandered Power; the genius who tried in vain to save Italy, but whose immortal works have nevertheless revolutionized the world of Power; the jovial and genteel massager of Power; and the literary pornographer, blackmailer, and journalist. I rate them in this order: Machiavelli, Aretino, Castiglione and Isabella d'Este, the First Lady of the Renassaince--Savonarola is unworthy of even being ranked.

A remarkable tome, gratifyingly edifying for the student and servant of Power.

Some Thoughts on the Necessity of Liquidating Unused Human Resources

Thomas Robert Malthus' landmark 1798 study, An Essay On The Principle of Population was a revelation to the inteligensia and elite of his time and continues to inspire philosophers, economists, and Princes. Its uses were amply proved during the Irish Potato Famine, and have been greatly magnified by the additional insights of Galton, Darwin, the Huxleys, et al.

Critics delight in pointing out that the original projections of his work didn't pan out. Such doctrinaire "thinkers" cannot realize they are missing the point. The projections were mitigated by the Industrial Revolution, it is true; however, the pragmatic utility is what is central, not the accuracy of certain projections.

Yes my friends, there is a solution to unemployment and poverty. It was revealed to us in a modern context over 200 years ago and has continued to be refined by social engineers. I suggest everyone watch this Cambridge Professor's lecture on Malthus at Youtube, titled "The Malthusian Framework For Understanding History":
