31 August, 2007

A Vision For The Future

A Vision For The Future

The nexus of genetics, synthetic biology, robotics, surveillance, nanotechnology, and psychology form an invincible cord, which must be used to bind the world of the weak and liberate the universe for the strong. Exciting possibilities are opening on every front. The feeble condition of the human herd necessitates the use of technology by the leading force drivers of the species.

Genetics and Synthetic Biology

We will have engineered workers. No longer will the random flotsam and jetsam of unplanned progeny plague the gears of commerce. For example, miners will have enhanced ocular capacity, greater muscle mass, and more resilient lungs; as with all other fields of employment, they will have an IQ range commensurate with their position. We will no longer be subject to the whims of nature, nor to those of a directionless evolution.

Periodic human resource surplus negation will be efficiently calculated and executed by the judicious use of artificial outbreaks, as well as through the modification of each organism to ensure an appropriate life span. This, in conjunction with all the other methods, will go a long way towards solving the overpopulation problem. Additionally, the workers of the new age will be sustained through appropriately tailored diets.

Robotics and Surveillance

Systems presently being studied and designed will revolutionize law enforcement. Eventually we will not need h.s. sapiens officers aside from a small cadre of technicians, and even they will eventually become obsolete. The system will be automated. Our biometric grid will alert us to any deviation from the status quo. Monitoring methods must expand to scrutinize everything, enforcement must be directed toward all but the barest minimum of necessary activities and interactions. The recent expansion of the use of satellite data is certainly an improvement. Law enforcers should have had access decades ago.

Microphone CCTV networks already use biometric software to sift through the masses, however this doesn't go far enough, not even in the vanguards of the United Kingdom, China, and Singapore. In defending the norm, we must enlarge the range of data examined. It is not enough to record and analyze public activities. For a measure of potential, look at what Google is currently doing with microphones and cameras in computers: they are using them for targeted advertising when they should be used for group dynamics sampling and policing. Another example is the recent Mafia case where cell phones were used as bugs. Cell phones and their descendants will prove highly useful in the future, to say nothing of their current health benefits today. It is already possible to track traffic flows with them--including individuals. Progress continues with Onstar and similar methods of tracking. Naturally these examples regarding travel are merely halfway measures until full implementation of smart roads, and represent only a small portion of possible applications. Who would have believed a century ago that the proles would ensure their own containment voluntarily?

Imagine the strides to be made in drug enforcement by integrating detectors into all plumbing systems. The instant an illicit substance went down a drain, software would alert the appropriate droid enforcement station, and within minutes the perpetrator would be processed into the nearest labor rehabilitation facility, or biological rejuvenation center if they were found otherwise uselessly burdensome. Such a system would have the added benefit of being able to track the progress of infectious diseases, and coupled with DNA databases present us with magnificent law enforcement potential.


This is the most exciting area of development, and frankly my favorite. Nanotechnology will indeed prove Scientia est Potentia. Transformational capabilities are theoretically only limited by our imaginations. No more worthless matter--all shall be refined utility.

Many of the advances have already been made and only await implementation, others are currently being beta tested but must be refined, some are still in the theoretical stages of research. Showing foresight, the State has ensured itself an overriding access to all the various systems mentioned above. What needs to be done is to unite them in common purpose. The grid must encompass everything and everyone; its inescapable omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence must envelope the globe.

Certain dilemmas face us in relation to implementation. The reactionary forces of resistance and stubborn separativeness are significant, but not insurmountable, especially when the inevitable advances in nanotechnology, psychotronic implements, and active denial crowd control systems, etc are considered. Where positive persuasion fails, negative reinforcement rescues the cause. Those that can't be convinced by Madison Avenue psychology will be backed into corners and forced to accept the new way of life. Meantime, more anti-social behavior laws would be beneficial, as would liberalizing the criteria for commital.

Social scientists of the past were limited by the technological paradigms of their day which led them to make many incorrect assumptions: e.g., making the masses accept implantation. We now know that they will clamor for them as fulfilling status symbols like they have with tattoos and piercings. The pervasive normalization of Transhumanism means that those who do not adjust will be boxed in and left to await the respiratory / digestive method. So even these slight miscalculations continue to serve the uninhibiting and indoctrination processes, and the projects they birthed must necessarily continue to some degree. Group conditioning is as usual required, but regardless of whatever futile adversity is flung at it, in the end our system of systems shall prevail. The advent of Singularity will usher in the hive mind and with it paradise on a planet populated solely by that vital, purposeful minority which is deserving of the existence they shall command.

Per aspera ad astra!
Omni ope atque opera!

For all the ideas outlined above, I wish to thank the countless futurist, governmental, and corporate reports which have so fastidiously charted this new age of self-directed evolution. Absolutely none of the ideas sketched above are mine. I--who am but a feebly inspired shadow of the true originators--stand ever in awe of their insight, diligent research, and stunning perspicacity. Especial thanks is due the work of Ray Kurzweil, a true master, innovator, and living dynamo of the craft.


Fans and Friends of Lydia Cornell said...

What you call weak, Christ calls strong.

You have it all backwards. I feel very sad for you.

Sauros said...

Lydia, even though we differ, I want to thank you for gracing this blog with the first comment.

I called your show today after that fool Steve (whom Doug gave much too much time to), and brought up Petraeus and the necessity of the lie, he promptly hung up on me. He's a bit of a hot head, whereas you're more level headed and open to conversation. Thanks again, Lydia.

Anonymous said...

Sauros, your jolly blog deserves more comments.

Lydia: From a fan - I don't think Sauros has it all backwards. He just writes that way. Hint, hint.